Monday, July 30, 2007

redemption on a bad day

a ministry of redemption is what she says i have and i like the way that feels to say. its what i find myself saying to people who bring me stories of sorrow and brokenness... that God redeems all things. its the path of my understanding about God's will and plan-- that despite all our wondering and planning and seeming wrong turns, He redeems all things. its what i turn to in deep sadness, when i can't find reason-- the promise of once redemption, present redemption, redemption to come.

i began the day today so badly. a night prior just so caught in my head and held down. getting stuck on stupid projects forever and not satisfied with any part of life. restless sleep and a morning of guilty bad mood and sore feet, i was not ready for anything at 2pm but sleep and nothing.

but then came a sunny meeting at starbucks about the darkest of things ready for redemption by the people called for times like this, which is always. a set of agreements follow and we find ourselves with a decision and direction we didnt know would come so soon. and its all fallen into place, suddenly and unexpectedly. a bad day redeemed.

all these edges of something i keep expecting to find under my feet and in front of me seem to point towards an 8 conclusion. This month, i celebrate 7 years since i stepped into this life of following Jesus. July 2000, everything changed- it was the start of a new millennium for our world and it was the start of my new life. Now, seven years later, i find myself on the cusp of something new, a new way of relating to and loving and living for the God who never seems to run out of ways to surprise me. Joann says 7 represents sabbath and 8 is new, ready, fresh. this seems right.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey kristin!...

"i am excited about your life!!!"
