Wednesday, November 22, 2006


in every epic adventure movie or story, you always have these elements that pop up to signify the epicness of whats going on. i place myself as protagonist, i imagine my life a movie.

i see...

the foreshadowing comments made by characters during the "normal life" sequence in the beginning... the little things that later turn out to mean so much.

the mysterious mentor/gandalf-type person, who knows way more than you and who has an idea of where you might be headed, but wont tell you. instead, they just ask questions that make you think and probe you so that you will realize things about yourself that you were afraid to uncover on your own.

the random wanderer you run into on the road who is maybe heading the same direction, who has experienced the same things, who has some of the same ways about them, but has perhaps also been a little further down the road and can encourage you, challenge you, tempt you to open your eyes and dream.

friends who come around, similarly unaware of a bigger story, laughing, playing, being by your side... potentially joining you for the journey ahead, maybe getting ready to say goodbye?

moments of doubt, indecision, fear... paralyzing unknown.

a narrator only the audience can hear, a soundtrack that plays and moves you.

a great love.

the great love.

.... i can't ignore the epic overtones anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many years ago during a long bout of depression, I sought professionala counselling. I was asked lots of probing questions about my life starting at childhoo. I was surprised what came out of my mouth many times. After 6 visits, I was OK. Later I became a follower of Jesus Chrit. I have noticed He asks questions and tells stories to make a point--like the Journey.