Friday, May 20, 2005

My haunting ever-presence
Lord I can't find you in my hidden heart

I come to you with faith and distraction

I have these same flip-flops and my wavy hair
But I am tired of my outside

Do I impress you with my beauty Lord?
Can I ever lie to you, Lord?

I have your presence Lord
when I smile, when I walk, when I glance in a reflection

I have this desk Lord
and a thousand doubts as I work aroundm on top under and inside of it

Tonight I am angry and let down
Tonight, I can't hide Lord
and I feel lost and distracted

All this activity and no movement

I want this changed and over
and to never wander back home the same way again

I am unsure now,
Now that you show me my darkness and the chaos.

(Thank you Molly for the inspiration)

1 comment:

Molly said...

Kristen! yeah! your heart-wrenchingly beautiful blog moves me so. i'm so proud of it, I must say i love your form baby. this was the first little post i clicked on because i liked the title. brilliant! you're brilliant!