Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I found out recently that I don’t know how to breathe.

We watched rob bells newest nooma video, breathe, at our prayer meeting this past Monday night. It was the third time I had seen it, and its all about the spiritual significance of breathing… how the greek word for Lord was "YHWH" and the way it was pronounced or spoken was as vowels, essentially as breathing sounds, as breath. And so rob bell does, as only rob bell can, an incredible job of weaving an engaging narrative/stream of conscious monologue around this metaphor/reality (are spiritual metaphors only metaphors to our practical minds? Are they, in fact, not metaphor but the simple reality of our existence as creatures of God? Is breathing itself speaking the name of God?). And as he spoke about the fact that most of our breath should be from our stomach (deep breath) and less from our chest (shallow breath) and that it gives us 90% of our energy, but the average person only taps in to 10-20% of the energy breath offers, and about how as a whole, our society is so harried and so busy and so stressed, that it takes 4 times more breaths per minute than we are supposed to, I found myself unable to even breathe just thinking about it. I became suddenly conscious of my most basic bodily function (one that, perhaps, in some mysterious way is simply speaking the name of God constantly, from my first to last breath, just breathing his Name) and realized I don’t think I know how to breathe. Because when I started paying attention to my breathing and where it comes from (mostly my chest) and how often (too often), I began to confuse the natural rhythm I thought I had with the learned way I actually breathe. Am I breathing too shallowly? Am I breathing too fast? Am I doing it wrong? Have I learned to do it wrong from the beginning and now I need to relearn? Shouldn’t this just come naturally?

This was the third time I had seen this video in a week, and each time, I got self conscious about my breathing, trying to breathe well, but not being able to think my way through it. and still writing this and suddenly being conscious of it again,

I am worried I don’t know how to breathe.


Gibbytron said...

Does Rob Bell know how to breathe? Ahem... :)

Anonymous said...

Watching that Rob Bell video at the vigil made me go straight home and watch at least 2 others on his website. Bell's ideas about the Hebrew word for Lord- YHWH- were also beautiful. I was compelled to think about those sounds when I breathe. It also reminded me about the burning bush scene in the movie "The Prince of Egypt." (One of the things I heard about that scene is that the flames in the bush flash quickly into the Hebrew letters for YHWH.) The whole experience (fasting, praying) was useful for me. I was reminded that action is necessary to my faith- even small action.

Jon said...

in the great words of gavin rosdale, "Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in."

i mean he says it all right there.

Elizabeth Chapin said...


I appreciate your honesty in questioning whether you need to relearn how to breathe. Your post inspired me to go watch the Rob Bell nooma.

May your every breath be deep and long as you fill up with the fulness of God.

Blessings this Holy Weekend - I wish I could be there with you all.